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Memorandum of General Ho Ying-chin

21 August 1945

This memorandum by Gen. Ho Ying-chin, Commander in Chief of the Chinese Army, was transmitted to Gen. Okamura Yasutsugu, Commander of Japanese Forces in Central China, in preparation for the surrender of Japanese Forces in the China Theatre. 

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  1. Areas in Indochina lying north of 16 degrees north latitude are to be taken over by General Lu Han, Commander of the 1st Area Forces.
  2. Canton, Hongkong, Leichow Peninsula, and Hainan Island are to be taken over by General Chang Fa-kwei, Commander of the 2nd Area Forces.
  3. Kukong, Chaochow, and Swatow are to be taken over by General Yu Han-mu, Commander of the 7th War Area.
  4. Changsha and Hengyang are to be taken over by General Wang Yao-wu, Commander of the 4th Area Forces.
  5. Nanchang and Kiukiang are to be taken over by General Hsueh Yueh, Commander of the 9th War Area.
  6. Hangchow, Kinghwa, Ningpo, and Amoy are to be taken over by General Ku Chu-tung, Commander of the 3rd War Area.
  7. Nanking and Shanghai are to be taken over by General Tang En-po, Commander of the 6th War Area.
  8. Wuhan, Ichang, and Shasi are to be taken over by General Sun Wei-ju, Commander of the 7th War Area.
  9. Hsuchow, Anking, Pengpu, and Haichow are to be taken over by General Li Ping-hsien, Commander of the 10th War Area.
  10. Tientsin, Peiping, Paoting, and Shihchiachwan are to be taken over by General Sun Lien-chung, Commander of the 11th War Area.
  11. Tsingtao, Tsinan, and Tehchow are to be taken over by General Li Yen-nien, Deputy Commander of the 11th War Area.
  12. Loyang is to be taken over by General Hu Tsung-nan, Commander of the 1st Area Forces. 
  13. Shansi Province is to be taken over by General Yen Hsi-shan, Commander of the 2nd War Area.
  14. Jehol, Chahar, and Suiyuan are to be taken over by General Fu Tso-yi, Commander of the 12th War Area.
  15. Chenchow, Kaifeng, Sinhsiang, Kanyang, Siangyang, and Fengcheng are to be taken over by General Liu Shih, Commander of the 5th War Area.
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Source: Tsao Wen-yen, ed. Chinese Yearbook 1944-1945. Council of International Affairs, Chungking.