Statement on our National
Fate by the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan
29 December 1971
The Executive Committee of the
Presbyterian Church in Taiwan, which speaks for 200,000 Christians in Taiwan, wishes to
express its extreme concern over developments in the world which could seriously affect
the lives of all who live on this island. Based on our belief that Jesus Christ is Lord of
all men, the righteous Judge and Saviour of the world, we voice our concern and our
request, and in doing so we are convinced that we speak not only for the church but for
all our compatriots.
We the people on Taiwan love this
island which, either by birth or by chance, is our home. Some of us have roots here going
back a thousand years; the majority count a residence of two or three centuries while some
have come since the Second World War. We are all well aware of our different backgrounds
and even conflicts, but at present we are more aware of a common certainty and shared
conviction. We long to live here in peace, freedom and justice. And we do not wish to be
governed by Peiping.
We note with concern that President
Nixon will soon visit the Chinese Mainland. Some member countries of the United Nations
are advocating the transfer of Taiwan to mainland rule, while others insist on direct
negotiations between Taipei and Peiping which means substantially the same betrayal of the
people on Taiwan.
We oppose any powerful nation
disregarding the rights and wishes of fifteen million people and making unilateral
decisions to their own advantage, because God ordained, and the United Nations Charter has
affirmed, that every people has the right to determine its own destiny.
Our nation has recently become the
victim of international political bargaining in world affairs. If this trend is not soon
reversed, some day in the near future the people on Taiwan may share the tragic fate of
people in countries of eastern Europe which have been oppressed by communism. In order to
maintain our position and reputation in the international community, we therefore, request
our government and people better to grasp the opportunities available to raise our demand
for justice and freedom, and for thorough internal renewal.
Recently the government has stressed
the use of new people in official positions. Therefore we earnestly request that, within
the Taiwan area, it hold elections of all representatives to the highest government bodies
to succeed the present representatives who were elected 25 years ago on the mainland. The
Federal Republic of Germany is not yet unified with East Germany, but its people have been
able to elect a new representative government under a temporary constitution. This is an
example which our government might consider. Such a political system has enabled the
Federal Republic of Germany to find an honourable place among the world nations, even
though so far it is not a member of the United Nations.
We believe that such demonstration of
renewal and progress will give the people of other nations, as well as our own, the
assurance that justice and internal harmony reigns within.
H. Y. Liu
Moderator of the General Assembly
C. M. Kao