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Taiwan Documents Project was established in 1999 to provide researchers and other interested persons a comprehensive source of primary material relating to the dispute over Taiwan. The Project seeks not only to gather together the most complete collection of Taiwan-related documents available anywhere, but also to present objective, introductory analyses of legal and other issues surrounding the Taiwan Strait Situation.

Taiwan Documents Project is a privately funded, non-partisan entity, and is not affiliated with any other organisation. Taiwan Documents Project is based in Los Angeles, United States of America.

Your comments and suggestions are appreciated. Please contact TDP at:


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   United States
   Tel: (818) 998-5761
   Fax: (603) 963-5831
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)7050 614 756
Fax: +44 (0)7050 614 757

The Taiwan Documents Project web site was created by Praxis Trading Company.

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The Taiwan Documents Project has been selected as a featured site in StudyWeb® as one of the best educational resources on the Web.


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The Taiwan Documents Project was named the Political Site of the Day for 16 December 1999 by Political Site of the Day, which described TDP as "The place to go for information on the 'Taiwan Question.' "


Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library (4142 bytes) The Taiwan Documents Project has been awarded the highest rating of  5starvl.gif (1065 bytes) by the Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library, signifying that it is an ESSENTIAL SITE. The Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library is maintained by the Australian National University. [Review]


Scout Report Selection The Taiwan Documents Project was a Selection of the Scout Report (October 15, 1999), the current awareness publication of the Internet Scout Project, an NSF-sponsored organisation based at the University of Wisconsin - Madison. [Review]


asiasource.gif (4857 bytes) The Taiwan Documents Project was reviewed by and selected for inclusion in AsiaSource, a resource of the Asia Society. [Review]


gpo63.gif (367 bytes) The Taiwan Documents Project is included in the University of Michigan Documents Center, a Federal Publication Depository.


looksmart.gif (989 bytes) The Taiwan Documents Project is a LookSmart Editors' Pick.


goguides.gif (5347 bytes) The Taiwan Documents Project is rated as a star.gif (95 bytes)star.gif (95 bytes)star.gif (95 bytes) (highest rating) site in the Go Network's Go Guides Directory. [Review]

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